Sunday, January 11, 2009


For all those people out there that are step-parents I commend you. Its not an easy job, well it wasn't at first. I was in love with this man and I just thought I will deal with him having kids. It goes much deeper than that. It was very stressful at first. I had the ex wife who I didn't get along with at first and I had to learn to share my time with my husband when the kids would come visit. We thought about having a child together but it was going to be way too expensive to have his procedure reversed and adoption was out of the question. Seven years after we got married I had a seizure (something I've had since I was in Jr High) so my doctor put me on meds for the rest of my life. He asked me what my plan for children was. By this point I knew I would never have a child of my own so I told him and he said well its best because I was high risk. So God knew what he was doing when he brought Kevin and those kids into my life. I have a great relationship with them and I'm happy to be their second mom. So many people don't understand my feelings about me not having children and I wish they could be in my shoes. They always say adoption but how's that any different than having step-kids? I love those kids as if they are my own and their mom is a great friend now. So if any of you ever find yourself in a place of becoming a step-parent don't give up and don't give up on the kids.

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